Give hope to dog owners experiencing homelessness
Many dog owners experiencing homelessness must choose between a safe place to sleep and their dog.
Many dog owners experiencing homelessness must choose between a safe place to sleep and their dog. That’s because homelessness services don’t usually accept pets.
We work to support dog owners so they can stay with their faithful friend.
Help dogs and their owners like Paul and Blake
Paul and his pooch Blake were staying in a dog-friendly hostel until the pandemic hit. Then they had to move into a hotel as part of the government’s ‘Everyone In’ scheme. We’ve been supporting the pair through our vet scheme and Christmas parcels.
Paul says: “I have found living in the hotel room very difficult and isolating. I genuinely don’t think I would have been able to cope without Blake. He is the only constant in my life – he’s my best friend and he perks me up every day. I don’t get lonely because I have him.
“It’s a huge relief knowing that if Blake gets ill, I won’t need to worry about paying the bills. I wouldn’t be able to afford it without you! It’s also been lovely to receive parcels with food, a winter coat and other dog treats.”