Fosterer supports a family freeing from domestic abuse by fostering their dog

Give freedom to dog owners experiencing domestic abuse

Dogs and their owners experiencing domestic abuse need your help. In households where people are being abused, dogs are often abused too.

Many refuges can’t accept pets, meaning people experiencing domestic abuse are often unable to take those important steps towards safety, for fear of what might happen to their beloved pet. 

Freedom provides a temporary foster home for a dog, until their owner is safe, settled and ready to have them back.

Our free and confidential service provides toys, food, bedding and treats, as well as access to vital veterinary treatment and behavioural training. All this, and our network of foster carers, simply wouldn’t be possible without your kind donations. 

Together, we can help dog owners when it matters most 

Tammy's story*

*Models have been used and all names have been changed to protect the family’s identity. 

‘It is a hard decision to leave your pet, but it’s the best thing you can do, and you know that they are taken care of while you are sorting your life out. You come out of an abusive relationship and have no finances, but everything is done through Freedom which makes everything a bit easier. It gives you a chance to breathe.’  

Dogs Trust is seeking more dog foster carers to help care for dogs whose owners are escaping domestic abuse (Credit Olivia Hemingway)

Tammy was in a domestic abuse relationship with her husband of 14 years. She says: ‘I didn’t realise it was abuse, I thought it was what a normal relationship was. I was mentally, financially and verbally abused and it went on to be physical abuse’.  

Tammy suspected her dog Penny was being abused, but didn’t see anything concrete, but her behaviour had changed when her husband was around. Penny was soiling in the home and becoming withdrawn.  

‘I also saw him becoming a trigger for her and her behaviour starting to change’. Tammy told us that her husband would often say he was going to harm Penny in some horrible way and later claim he was just joking.

She explains: ‘I thought the kids were unaware of what was going on but it turns out they knew. That was about the time I left.’  

However, Tammy’s journey to Freedom wasn’t easy.

'I was trapped in the house, and I wasn’t allowed to go out. I was restricted with the vet treatments and walks I could provide for Penny. In the end, I contacted Women’s Aid and let them know about my situation and at that point they referred us to Freedom.'

Tammy and Penny are reunited by Dogs Trust
The foster carers were amazing! Penny was more obedient when she returned home, and more trained. I can’t thank them enough for what they did.


On return day, Tammy took Penny to pick the kids up from school without telling them that their dog was coming home. She says: ‘It was such a lovely reunion; everyone was so excited, even the teachers. It makes me realise how much she means to us and how much Penny is part of the family. 

Help us give the gift of freedom today.

Donate now and help support more people and dogs like Tammy and Penny.