Recipe: Spiced apple celebration cupcakes
This next one goes out to the party puppers.
Whether it’s a birthday, gotcha day, or simply some good behaviour at the vets. Spice up your celebrations with these canine-friendly apple cupcakes.
Before you begin…
When making these treats, reduce your dog’s usual food portion so that they’re not overfed. If you’re concerned about giving your dog new foods, speak to your vet before baking.
You’ll need:
- ½ an apple, grated or chopped finely
- Pinch of cinnamon
- 100g self-raising flour
- 100g oats
- 1 ripe banana, mashed
- 120ml oat or soya milk (unsweetened).
For the topping:
- 2 potatoes, mashed
- Peanut butter (xylitol free)
- Small dog biscuit.

What to do:
- Preheat your oven to 200°C
- Mash or blend the banana and milk together
- Combine the flour, oats, apple and cinnamon with the banana mixture
4. Spoon evenly into a muffin tray and bake for 10-15 minutes
5. Meanwhile, mix the mashed potato and peanut butter for the topping
6. Once golden, take your cakes out of the oven and let cool (-away from prying eyes)
7. Top each cake with some mashed potato using a spoon or piping bag
8. Add a biscuit to each cake, and – voila! – you’re ready for your pooch party.
Top tip: use an appropriately sized biscuit for your individual pup. You may need to chop your cake up before feeding it to them.