Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is the easiest and most efficient way for you to support Dogs Trust.

Payroll Giving is the easiest and most efficient way for you to support your favourite charity. It allows you to automatically donate to a charity like Dogs Trust every month before tax is taken out of your pay cheque, making it the most tax-efficient way to help the dogs we care for.
Through this form of pre-tax donating, we receive the donation before you would have paid tax on it, making all Payroll Giving donations exempt from tax. This means your support goes so much further, making an even bigger difference to the daily lives of the dogs we all love so much.
Payroll Giving is super easy
All you need to do is complete a simple online form and start donating today,
We will make sure your company operates a Payroll Giving scheme. Because your donation is taken from your pay before tax, it means every £1 you give only costs you 80p, and the 'Tax man' pays the rest!
If you have any queries, please email our giving team.
There are so many amazing reasons your company should sign up for a Payroll Giving scheme
- Enhances your business’ charitable giving, with little effort or cost to you
- Efficiently measure your business’ charitable giving
- Improves Corporate Social Responsibility and raises Corporate Community Investment profile
- Has an incredible impact on staff morale, knowing the company they work for is doing something so easy to help staff support their favourite charities - can aid staff retention
- The next generation of employees increasingly ask about the social responsibility and ethical profile of businesses
- Gives organisations the opportunity to match donations - any money the company donates is eligible for tax relief
- Can be awarded a Payroll Giving Quality Mark Certificate and become eligible to apply for the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards
FAQs about Payroll Giving
How do I know that you have received my donation?
Depending on your opt-in preferences, we will send you a bespoke thank you and contact you about the amazing work we're doing thanks to your support.
Is there a minimum or maximum amount I must give?
Nope! There’s no lower and upper limit, however, we do recommend at least £5 gross per month
Can I give to more than one charity?
Of course! You can give to as many charities as you like, and we’re so massively grateful for your pawfect donations.
Can I stop giving when I want?
Yes, all you would need to do is notify your payroll department.
Is there an administration fee?
There is a small administration fee - your employer will use a Payroll Giving Agent (like a charity bank) to distribute your donations. The Payroll Giving Agents are charities that need to make a small charge to cover their operating costs. A lot of employers pay this fee on your behalf, so we receive your full donation.
What should I do if my employer doesn’t currently have a Payroll Giving scheme?
That’s not a problem, fill out the form anyway and we can check for you. We’re also very happy to recommend an HMRC verified Payroll Giving Agents (PGA).