We're making sure more dogs have full tummies

No dog should go to sleep hungry. Your support is making sure more dogs have a full tummy.

Image of a worker handing over a bag of dog food to a visitor whilst a senior black Jack russell terrier looks on from the floor.
12th September 2023

Sadly more and more dog owners are struggling to feed their dogs with, tragically, 13% of them being forced into debt to care for their beloved pet. 

Thanks to our amazing supporters...

  • 490,000 pet meals donated to pet owners in need
  • 10 food banks opened feeding 354 dogs
  • This is up from 165 dogs just 12 months ago!

We wouldn’t be able to fill all those tummies without supporters like you!

We also have five drop-in food banks in our charity shops. This is making a huge difference to the dogs we’re helping, but we’d love to do more with your help. 

Another way your support is helping dogs across the UK is by powering our partnerships with other animal charities and Fareshare, the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste. We work with industry body UK Pet Food to secure food from pet food manufacturers, which is then distributed to food banks and other charity and community groups throughout the UK by FareShare. 

Your support has helped so much, but there are still so many more hungry tummies we can help fill.

Donations will go towards the care of dogs wherever the need is greatest.

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