Scamp | Terrier (Jack Russell) | Darlington - 1


I'm looking for my forever home. Could you be my perfect match?

Reference ID
Medical care
I need ongoing medical care
Living off site
May live with
Scamp needs a home with no other pets or children.

Are you right for Scamp?

Scamp is a 5 year old Jack Russell cross that has had a lot of change in his life. He is therefore looking for a calm and quiet adult only home as he can be nervous initially. Once settled he is a loving and friendly boy that likes to snuggle up to you on the sofa, and will also initiate playtime with his favourite toys. Scamp needs a pet free home with a private garden for off lead playtime.

Is Scamp right for you?

Scamp can be worried by dogs out and about and is vocal towards them so will need to be walked in quiet areas. He also struggles to be left alone so will need patient owners at home most of the time that can build this up very gradually. Scamp is epileptic but this is well controlled with daily medication so please don't let that stop you from favouriting this handsome little chap!

Jack Russell Terrier

Everything you need to know about Jack Russell Terriers

How our rehoming process works

Thanks for your interest. To apply to adopt a dog like me these are your next steps.


Create an account and fill out our application form

In our form you can tell us all about your home, your lifestyle and the kind of dogs you’re interested in. You won’t be applying for a specific dog, but you can add favourites to give us an idea of the dogs you like. We’ll use this information to find a great match for …

Apply Now

Choose a rehoming centre

We’ll also ask you to select a rehoming centre. The team at this centre will look after your application and assess you against all suitable dogs in their care. This doesn’t have to be your nearest centre, but you will need to travel there within a few days once we’ve found …


We’ll contact you within seven days

We’ll be in touch by phone or email within seven days of receiving your application to have a chat about your dog search. Then we'll start looking for a great match for you.

We will make two attempts to contact you. If after the second attempt we don’t hear back from …


We’ll keep your application open for three months and keep looking for a match

You won't need to do anything else or apply again for three months. We’ll keep reviewing your application against all the dogs at your chosen centre. Not all available dogs are featured on our website; dogs of all shapes and sizes regularly come into our care, and your …


When we find a match, we’ll invite you to meet them

If we’ve found a dog who seems right for you, we’ll invite you to come and meet them at the rehoming centre. 

Some of the dogs in our care will need to meet potential owners several times to get to know one another. This lets us see you’re compatible and gives …


If we haven’t found the right match, we’ll continue the search together

If we haven’t found the right dog for you within three months, we’ll let you know your application is closed. We’ll invite you to apply again so we have up-to-date information about you, and we’ll keep looking.


We’ll support you to embark on a new life with your dog

When we’ve matched you with a dog, we’ll help you welcome them to your home. After adoption we’ll keep in touch to see how you and the dog are doing. If you need any advice or support, we’re just a phone call away.  

With our nationwide Dog School, free behaviour …

How we help

Contact Details


Dogs Trust Darlington
Hill House Farm
Co Durham
Google Maps

Opening times

We’re open for general browsing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 12–4pm. Wednesday and Friday mornings are by pre-arranged appointment only.

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