Shared Adoption Scheme - For Vets

close up of vet going through form with owner

Welcome to the Shared Adoption Scheme (SAS)

Please use our Dogs Trust pharmacy prescription pad only to request medication.

We can now supply controlled drugs via the Dogs Trust pharmacy. A three-month supply can be requested, but the hardcopy must be POSTED to us as we cannot accept electronic prescriptions for controlled drugs. As these prescriptions cannot be altered, it is critical that all sections are filled out correctly in order to avoid delays including the prescribing vets name, qualifications and RCVS number. Any historical Dogs Trust prescription forms cannot be used to request controlled drugs, please download a copy of the new prescription form following the link on this page or request a prescription pad from the Dogs Trust pharmacy.

We now require all claims to be submitted with a completed SAS Veterinary Fees Claim Form and itemised invoice. Veterinary Fee Claim forms are unable to be sent unless an owner requests one. This needs to be done by emailing the SAS team and the query will be responded to. For referral practices, invoices must be accompanied by a Payment Approval Form.

This website is to support both vets and owners involved with helping dogs on this scheme. In special circumstances we may offer financial support for some of our dogs with identified conditions, which cannot be covered by insurance.

Such dogs may require ongoing treatment or medication for a set period or life-long. We would ask that as for all - of our rehomed dogs, that pet insurance is obtained to cover all other unexpected health problems that they may encounter.

There are certain exclusions to the scheme even on the Full SAS which are important to be aware of - see the below for more information:

pdf 287.4 KB
SAS Terms and Conditions

Your responsibilities as a Vet

Request the Dogs Trust prescription pads provided by Dogs Trust which are free of charge. Alternatively, your practice can download a copy of the prescription, including the freepost label by clicking on the following link. 

pdf 219.3 KB
Dogs Trust Prescription Form
  • Use the Dogs Trust prescriptions to facilitate long term Prescription Only Medications (POM or POM-V) that cost over £25
  • Please limit prescriptions to a three-month supply of medication.
  • Please note from the 1st March 2021 all non- POM or POM-V products including supplements are to be self-funded by the owner.
  • Veterinary fees claim forms need completing and sending to Head Office along with an invoice for each SAS dog. Claim forms are provided by the owner and can be photocopied as they are individual to each dog.
  • Remove the £10.00 contribution/s from the invoice that the owner has paid for each consultation related to the SAS certified condition.
  • Remove the £25 contribution for validated out of hours emergency treatment related to the certified SAS condition. If the emergency is unrelated to the certified SAS condition, the owner is liable to cover the costs.
  • Referrals should be agreed with Head Office prior to arrangement. We reserve the right to specify the referral centre used. Invoices for referrals not sanctioned by Head Office may not be honoured by Dogs Trust. On the rare occasion of an emergency referral, we will review this. Owners must contribute £25 towards all referral consultations.

SAS pharmacy information guidelines

Dogs Trust have set up their own pharmacy to provide long-term Prescription Only Medications (POM, POM-V) for SAS dogs. This allows us to obtain medications at a significantly reduced rate and is much more cost effective for the longevity of the scheme.

Medications which are:

  • given by injection,
  • required immediately,  
  •  have specific storage instructions
  •  costing less than £25

Can be supplied by the Veterinary Surgeon and invoiced to Dogs Trust as usual.

Pre-approval is required for injectable medications which cost >£25 and are required on an on-going basis. For example, Cytopoint, Cartrophen and Immunotherapy.

Medications that either cost more than £25 or are not required for immediate treatment should be supplied by the Dogs Trust pharmacy on the production of a Dogs Trust prescription from the Veterinary Surgeon.

We have set out a list of the most common medications that we are unable to cover.  Please see the list attached and note that this list is not exhaustive.

Please note all non POM or POM-V products are to be self-funded by the owner.

Dogs Trust prescriptions can be downloaded by clicking the Dogs Trust Prescription Form download link on this page. Alternatively, a Prescription Pad can be posted to your Veterinary Practice upon request.

Digital copies of completed prescriptions can be submitted to the Dogs Trust Pharmacy by emailing the pharmacy for non-controlled drugs only. Alternatively, prescriptions can be sent via the freepost address provided. Controlled drug requests must be sent by the postal route. In order to avoid delays with the processing of prescriptions, please ensure that prescriptions are filled out in full, with inclusion of the practice stamp.

Dogs Trust will not pay the full cost of medication costing over £25 obtained by a non-SAS prescription route.

Please review the procedure involved regarding the dispensing of medications and note that this whole process can take up to 14 days for the medications to be delivered to the owner’s home address.

Nutritional Supplements

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide or fund any supplement (non POM or POM-V) product including Yumove. Please see the attached summary list for more information on supplements that are not covered.

pdf 144.7 KB
Medication not covered by SAS
pdf 435 KB
SAS Pharmacy Process Leaflet

How to obtain a prescription pad

Dogs Trust prescriptions can be downloaded by clicking the Dogs Trust Prescription Form download link on this page. Alternatively, a Prescription Pad can be posted to your Veterinary Practice upon request.

Please contact us directly to request a prescription pad. 

Pads will be sent out from Head Office and depending on the time of year may take up to a week to get to you. They are fully addressed and are FREEPOST back to the Dogs Trust Pharmacy. These can be used with all the dogs in your practice under the SAS.

Please limit prescriptions to a three-month supply of medication. Each prescription allows up to 5 different products to be prescribed.

Please ensure prescriptions are completed in full, with inclusion of the practice stamp. This will allow prescriptions to be processed in an efficient and timely manner.

Referral information

With the advancement of veterinary care for companion animals we do see some conditions that we can do much more for.

Most referrals are not under emergency situations so if one of your client’s SAS dogs does need a referral, we ask that this is agreed by the SAS department.

Contact usThis process can be expedited by providing the current clinical history and estimation of the cost of the referral.

We ask that the owner contributes towards this expense by paying £25 towards each referral consultation.

Please note: We reserve the right to specify the referral centre to be attended as we may have a relationship with certain referral centres around the country.

If your client wishes to go elsewhere once we have specified a centre, then we will cover the cost to a certain degree. However, they would be liable for the difference if the procedure is more expensive at their preferred clinic.

Out of hours information

Within the Shared Adoption Scheme, we ask the Veterinary Surgeon to confirm that the appointment was a true emergency and related to the certified condition.

We ask that the owner contributes towards this expense by paying £25 towards the fee.

If it is not confirmed as a true emergency associated with the certified condition, then the owner is liable for the full emergency treatment fees.

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