No one should have to choose between a home and a pet

Help us to keep best friends together: support renters in social housing by protecting their right to have pets.

Doodles resting on the sofa at home

We’re always doing everything we can to keep dogs, and the humans who love them, together.

Far too many dogs are handed over to us because their owners' housing situation means they can no longer keep them.

The new Renters’ Rights Bill will make having a dog much easier for people in the private rental sector. This is great news, but we want similar protections for pets and owners in social housing.

Many people in social housing face an impossible choice. Could you decide between having a roof over your head and staying with your furry best friend?

For the large number of people in social housing who are older, or have long-term illnesses or disabilities, this choice is even more difficult. The friendship of a pet can be a genuine lifeline for these vulnerable members of our society.

That's why we've written to the government, asking them to give social housing tenants the same pet ownership rights as private housing tenants. Watch this space for our next steps.

You can still show your support by signing the letter below.

One in seven handover enquiries involves an owner needing to give up their dog due to housing issues. This means thousands of dogs are heartbreakingly separated from their families simply because of limited pet-friendly rental options.

1 in 7 calls

about handing over a dog cite housing as a reason

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Read our letter to the Housing Secretary

Together, we can make sure that no one has to choose between a home and their best friend.

Thank you.

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